Indisputably, jury selection is the most important and necessary function of a trial lawyer. The practiced jury selection specialists at The Alvarez Law Firm have experience that can narrow into the specifics to obtain a favorable outcome. These are a few important components that have the potential to make or break your lawsuit but get missed by the most experienced law firms in Florida.

Attorneys at The Alvarez Law Firm speaking to client

Jury Selection

The jury selection team at Alvarez Law Firm can help uncover attitudes in jurors that may be detrimental to your case. Our proofing skills have worked in the past to accurately identify jurors with hidden agendas.

These are a few factors that play a crucial role in jury selection:

  • Observing verbal and nonverbal cues of dishonest or deceptive responses during jury selection
  • Detecting silent jurors
  • Detecting sway jurors
  • Determining the foreperson
  • Identifying potentially detrimental jurors
  • Determining the jurors to keep during jury selection

Statement Analysis

An important responsibility of a trial lawyer is to unearth deception in the defendant, plaintiff, and witness statements so as to focus on a winning strategy. The statement analysis experts at Alvarez Law Firm attempt to determine whether everyone on record has provided the full truth. This avoids being blindsided by the opposing counsel during the trial.

Our statement analysis comprises of:

  • Identifying where to dig deeper
  • Discovering prejudices, motives, suppressed emotions, biases, and more
  • Uncovering omissions and deception in statements
  • Getting to the truth

Mock Jury Trial Services

Jurors may sit silently, but their facial expressions and body language speak volumes. Mock trial jurors provide the answers you need even before you ask them a question. Our jury specialists have a solid understanding of:

  • Juror perception of attorneys
  • Whether the jurors accepted, doubted, or agreed with what they heard
  • Emotional responses of each juror
  • Whether the case is convincing or weak
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Talk to a Skilled and Knowledgeable Florida Trial Attorney with Experience in Jury Selection

Jury selection and analysis is only one aspect of the legal battle. It takes a competent legal team led by a proven leader like Mr. Alex Alvarez to win a favorable resolution. If you or someone you love has been injured because of the fault of another, we may be able to help.

Schedule your free and confidential consultation with us today. Call 877-445-7675 or write to us online

Let’s talk about your case.

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